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The news site of West Ranch High School in Stevenson Ranch, CA

The Paw Print

The news site of West Ranch High School in Stevenson Ranch, CA

The Paw Print

The news site of West Ranch High School in Stevenson Ranch, CA

The Paw Print

Jong Hak Won

Jong Hak Won, Columns Editor

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

I’m not sure what this quote has to do with journalism but I felt like it suited my brooding character. My name is Jong Hak Won and I’m the senior column editor here at the Paw Print. My columns will range from ranty political commentary bemoaning the state of our political system or angsty teenage existential pieces. Hang around me long enough and you’ll hear me spout off quotes from Jean-Paul Sartre, Karl Marx, or Jean Baudrillard, none of whom I really understand but use to make it seem like I know something intellectual. Since I know just how unsociable this makes me sound, just know that I’m pretty friendly over a cup of coffee.

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Jong Hak Won