The fires surrounding Southern California during the dry winter season this year have been a strong reminder of how to deal with emergencies at school. Whether it be disasters or other safety hazards, the well-being of students is always prioritized.
Many students on campus are aware of the steps taken in case of an emergency. However, in a state of panic, some may forget what to do. Assistant Principal Dr. Kim, who oversees emergency procedures, shared information on how Wildcats should react in these situations.
In the event of an earthquake, students should duck under a strong surface and protect their heads and necks. Since aftershocks may occur, it is critical to stay still until directed otherwise.
Dr. Kim urged, “use your common sense, your judgment and follow your teacher’s instructions.” She continued, “The biggest thing is to try not to panic, because when you panic everything just gets magnified.”
After an earthquake, first responders are immediately contacted to help instruct the school for the next actions. There are also emergency bins with supplies near the basketball courts, if needed.
In case of fires, students should evacuate through the school’s back field and leave the premises as instructed by a staff member.
During an evacuation of a fire, Dr. Kim explained that Wildcats “would walk down to another designated safe area.” Additionally, it is vital students listen to their instructors as there will be many students leaving the campus.
An example of staying safe during a fire was seen earlier this year. On January 22nd, the Hughes Fire erupted near Castaic High School, and smoke could be seen on West Ranch’s campus. In a hurry, students called for their parents to pick them up, and were confined to their third period classes during lunch. Mrs. Kim emphasized that it is important to follow the teachers’ instructions during these events, so that chaos does not occur.
Serious Security Measures
Intense security measures would be implicated in situations where the school needs to be locked down for potentially dangerous situations. In case of such an event, Wildcats quietly wait in their classrooms with blinds shut, phones turned off and doors locked.
Classrooms would be notified of lockdown by hearing “LOCKDOWN, LOCKDOWN” through the intercom.
Furthermore, law enforcement would be notified to help take control of the situation. Dr. Kim elaborated, “We really try to work in tandem with them, to make sure we are all aligned. So they are already aware, and they are here to assist us and take over to ensure the safety of our campus.”
In a lockdown situation, the key factor is to remain silent and calm for the classroom’s safety. To ensure that students know what to do, West Ranch periodically arranges a lockdown drill to help practice for such situations.
Search and Rescue Team
If people are missing during an emergency, more specifically an earthquake, the Search and Rescue team is sent out to find them around the campus. The school has their own Search and Rescue team leaders who go around their respective sections, searching for those who may have gone missing during the quake.
“We look for the injured and deceased,” Search and Rescue team leader Casey Burrill clarified. “We radio to administration for help as needed. We aim to clear every room on campus so we can say for sure that all rooms have been searched and cleared.”
Additional Resources
For more information, students can check out the West Ranch website, and go to the “About Us” section to find the school safety plan. It contains a large document that students and guardians can use to find more information on how to stay safe at school.
Additionally, students can talk to members of the staff who are a part of the school safety plan.
Overall, the main goal for members of West Ranch is that they are prepared for any situation. Dr. Kim expressed, “We are in this together, and our goal is to make sure everyone is safe and can get home.”