2021 Senior Reflections

Iman Baber Senior Reflection
The culmination of my high school experience doesn’t feel like a satisfying closing. More like an awkwardly placed semicolon or question mark where a period should have gone. Don’t worry, there was definitely the good. But there was the bad, too. There were tears: my confidence in my physical appearance wasn’t exactly one hundred. I learned a lot of horrible truths about our world. There...

Brooke Johnston Senior Reflection
Comparison is a word that sticks to us like glue. It was stuck on my mirror in middle school, and by high school, it was caught in my hair, my teeth, my smile. In sophomore year, I spent most of my mental and physical energy trying to be pretty. Did I achieve my goal? Nope. No, because in such a headspace, pretty is never attainable, and in the sticky mess I didn’t realize I had always been beautiful....

Katie Luo Senior Reflection
I remember in freshman year when I attempted to write my senior Paw Print reflection prematurely. It probably wasn’t half bad but what I was planning to write then can’t compare to all the insane amount of intellect and knowledge I am about to spew out now. To begin, this year, I had a revelation that I didn’t want to be a biomedical engineer, and instead— an artist. Wow, so quirky! But...

Timothy Kang Senior Reflection
Senior year sort of snuck up on me like a test that I didn’t know about, so I guess it was to be expected. Upon reading my predecessors’ reflections, I feel obligated to share my wisdom and insight as a weathered senior of high school. In order to appear wiser, I shall use an analogy in my teachings. Your time is like money. Derived from the more popularly-known saying, “time is money,” my...

Vanessa McLaughlin Senior Reflection
I’m going to be quite brutally honest for a few paragraphs, which is something I don’t do often but I feel like now is a good time. Senior year did not go as expected. I think we all get that point. I had planned everything I wanted to do to a T and I had to throw it all down the drain. But you know what? That’s okay. I’m not here to wallow in my senior reflection because I made the most...

Emily Chang Senior Reflection
I had a page on my notes app from freshman year with the sage lessons I had picked up at the ripe age of 14, ready for the day when I could put them onto paper for my senior reflection. Spoiler alert, none of them held true. As it turns out, you cannot do a proper senior reflection until you’ve actually made it to your senior year of high school. Freshman year I was uptight, competitive and so...
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